Monday, January 9, 2017

Top 10 Natural remedies for your hair loss control

Hairs are the most problematic part of the body because it’s a problem when they are growing and its even a bigger problem when they start falling. The problems with hair are complex and they cannot be discussed in a single blog so today we are going to guide you through small but 10 best quick natural home remedies for hair loss control. The hair is the basic part of the body and it grows in different parts of the body based on the gender. Starting...

Sunday, March 3, 2013

What is hair loss?

What is hair loss? The medical term for hair loss is alopecia and is used to denote any type of hair loss affecting any area of the head, limbs and body. Alopecia is a Latin word, but if you trace its origin in the Greek language, the word means alopek fox, alopekiya was a term that meant mange foxes. Hair loss can be due to many different reasons, including genitichni and environmental factors. An interesting fact is that many diseases can occur...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hair loss and baldness. Causes, prevention and treatment.

It is normal for a person to lose a day of 50 to 100 hairs. These are hairs that naturally fall at the end of their growth period. Hair loss occurs with equal frequency in men and women. However, we should confuse alopecia hair loss. Not all hair loss is alopecia. There may be times when your hair falls more intensely than normal, but that does not necessarily mean that baldness. The reasons may be the most diverse and generally human hair has...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Hair loss is no reason to panic!

It is normal to lose 50-100 hairs a day. Another issue is when you wake up in the morning and find a lot of hair on the pillow, and your brush collects handfuls of hair every day. You have to calm down and prepare to do research to establish (establish) Reason (s) for the hair loss. Under normal circumstances, the biological processes involved in hair growth are in balance. Hair falls, new hair begins to grow, you get less and spend less. This...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Which foods promote hair growth and reduce hair loss?

Hair loss is a problem for many people. Not only the elderly, but many of the younger complain of constant trickle of her hair, which seems to have no clear cause. Often the blame for this problem changing climate, poor shampoos, hard water, and if you do not find anything else - genes. But what we often forget is that unhealthy diet also causes our hair lose its luster and become weaker, which inevitably leads to hair loss. Nowadays, almost all...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Treatments For Female Hair Loss

Treating hair loss has several stages, in which women have to go to prevent further  hair loss and promote faster hair growth. There are many options for treating hair loss, which can be used both at home and in clinics. Not all treatments are evidence of their success, so make sure that you choose a reputable product that is proven to work. If you seek treatment at the clinic, a woman will put on treatment, which aims to reduce the effects...

Saturday, February 2, 2013

9 reasons for hair loss in women - Part 2

 With a few days delay publishing the second part of article 9 reasons for hair loss in women.This section will introduce you to the other six causes of female hair loss.If you have not read the first part of the article, you can do so here - 9 reasons for hair loss in women - Part 1 4. Lupus Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the immune system begins to "attack" the healthy tissues in the body. The condition often...