It is normal to lose 50-100 hairs a day. Another issue is when you wake up in the morning and find a lot of hair on the pillow, and your brush collects handfuls of hair every day. You have to calm down and prepare to do research to establish (establish) Reason (s) for the hair loss.
Under normal circumstances, the biological processes involved in hair growth are in balance. Hair falls, new hair begins to grow, you get less and spend less. This is a normal process that reflects the different stages of hair growth. If these phases of growth does not proceed as provided by nature, may have increased hair loss. Below we will inform you of the possible causes of hair loss and what you can do about it. If hair loss continues for more than six months, you should make an appointment with a dermatologist or your doctor.
1. Hormone-dependent alopecia
Our hormone system is very sensitive and react to the smallest changes. Under normal circumstances, the female sex hormone estrogen ensure dense hair. Many women are aware of the sensational activating effect during pregnancy. Male hormones (androgens), which in smaller amounts are present in the female body are not favorable for the growth of hair. In men and women, androgens are excreted in greater amounts in stressful situations. This can disrupt hormonal balance and can lead to hair loss. In severe cases, dermatologists prescribe anti-androgens. In many cases, people only need to reduce stress from the hectic life and relax more. Another possible reason is the thyroid gland. Your doctor may take a blood sample for analysis of hormone levels and whether they are the cause of hair loss.
2. Alopecia (hair breakage) due to improper hair care
Although hair is very durable, exposure to too much stress will make it more uneven and fragile. This stress may be due to bleaching, frequent changes of color, perm or often use the hair straightener, these are just some of the stressors. This disadvantage may not directly cause hair loss, but lead to hair breakage. The hair can be choppy near the roots, which is very ugly.
Only a true chemical accidents can lead to a direct hair loss. This happens, for example, when the agent for bleaching or permanent waving stay on your head too long. If this happens, all you can do is leave the scalp and hair to calm themselves and wait to be reimbursed. You should use shampoo sparingly, to reduce the amount of shampoo and refrain from too much styling. If at all possible, should also refrain from dyeing or tinting of hair for a while or at least use friendly hair products.
3. Hair loss caused by vitamin deficiency
The growth of hair requires a balanced diet rich in vitamins. Poor diets and strict dieting can cause temporary hair loss. Hair is in the best condition when you stick to a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, proteins (such as milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, lean meat and sea fish), whole grains, nuts and high quality oils. If you stick to this optimal diet, it might be wise to take special supplements for hair, including biotin, niacin, zinc, and vitamins B6, B12, A and E.
4. Hair loss due to immune deficiency
Hair loss can be a delayed reaction to an infection. In the spring may suddenly notice that your hair falls after you have had the flu in the winter. Hair loss usually stops after about three months, during which time the damaged roots of the hair is restored.

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