It is normal for a person to lose a day of 50 to 100 hairs. These are hairs that naturally fall at the end of their growth period. Hair loss occurs with equal frequency in men and women. However, we should confuse alopecia hair loss.
Not all hair loss is alopecia. There may be times when your hair falls more intensely than normal, but that does not necessarily mean that baldness.
The reasons may be the most diverse and generally human hair has periods of renewal.
The Greens. seasonal hair loss that usually occurs in spring and autumn.
To stop hair loss somewhat, you should add to your diet a number of vitamins and nutritional supplements - vitamin A, B, E, F, H and selenium, sulfur, zinc and copper.
As hair loss and baldness occurs in men and women, but it remains the "privilege" of the male.
Hair loss or baldness - to what extent and for how long?
This largely depends on the reason for their occurrence, respectively, and the period of treatment with different duration and success.
When you notice that your hair loss is enhanced, seek the assistance of a specialist dermatologist to appoint the necessary studies to determine the cause of hair loss and the basis to prescribe action to prevent the started process.
What causes hair loss?
It is not just hair loss. Good specialist successfully establish the difference and take action quickly if you can not completely bald.
When the process forward, often becomes irreversible. Hair loss begins around the temples and forehead.
The biggest culprit for male pattern baldness is the male hormone testosterone, which affects the hair follicles.
This is due to a defect in the metabolism of testosterone - ie DHT appears that accumulates at very high levels and affects the hair follicles and causes hair loss and baldness.
As a result of DHT hair falls prematurely. Some women with high testosterone production, so the symptoms of hair loss, which is typical for men.
Sometimes ads for miraculous ointments, pills and lotions are an absolute fallacy.
Especially when talking about hereditary hair loss - then any interference would be possible winner of hope than a real effect.
Numerous recommended cosmetic procedures and products to combat hair loss and baldness could have its effect when the problem is due to the stress state, treatment chemicals, drug overdoses and the like.
Androgenetic alopecia is the most common. It is caused due to the impact of increased levels of androgen (male) hormones. It has been shown that the development of this type of hair loss occurs due to genetic reasons.
Under the action of a particular enzyme found in the cells of the follicle, the male sex hormone testosterone is converted to highly active androgen hormone enters the cell and disrupts protein synthesis. As a result, as already explained, hair follicles degenerate and dies, and the hair falls.
Alopecia areata is another type of hair loss seen. It is due to an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the hair follicles.
It is not contagious, but other than the head can affect other parts of the body. The result is usually expressed in one or more patches of hair loss.
Affects younger people in most patients within a year to reach full recovery without treatment, but you should know that hair loss is sometimes permanent.
Efluvium diffusion process is associated with metabolic disorders, hormonal problems, stress or use of certain medications.
It's about hair loss increased thickness of the hair. No treatment is necessary in most cases of its manifestation.
Hair loss usually decreases slowly within six to eight months after the cause of hair loss is identified and appropriate measures taken.
When there is doubt about the occurrence of this condition, a small part of the scalp is subjected to biopsy for examination under a microscope.
Thus, to determine the condition of the hair follicles - the tissues that produce hair.
Adverse effects of hair loss can occur as a side effect of prolonged chemotherapy treatment too aggressive treatment of scalp and hair strong hair treatments and products, often wearing hats, etc.
The difference is that in these cases the opposition would be crowned with much real success than hereditary baldness.
Causes of baldness
Hair loss is a widespread problem, but each process runs a different - different is the degree of hair loss and the reasons are different.
Many diseases and traumatic mechanical interference may cause damage to the hair follicle.
Not negligible factors such as stress, chronic disease, vitamin deficiency, regular use of steroids, severe diseases, hormonal disorders, fungal organisms, excessive wear hats everyday use of creams, gels and ointments any hair strong stream of water while bathing, etc.
Unlike other harmful actions on our body that produce steroids, baldness is irreversible after prolonged acceptance.
In times of stress, adrenal gland begins to secrete large quantities in the two hormones - testosterone and norepinephrine, which promote faster hair loss.
If hair loss is due to stress, should focus on stress management and treatment of psychological basis.
Thyroid and violations during her work can also cause hair loss and baldness.
During menopause a woman's body decreases its production of the female hormone estrogen, and others, and this often leads to a predominance of male hormones in the body.
As a result, hair loss often occurs, and often baldness. Treatment is performed on hormonal basis.
There are cases in which the body perceives as foreign body hair, so try to reject it. Itself is balding at stages of the patches on the head.
Hair loss during pregnancy and after birth
When a woman becomes pregnant, she is subjected to drastic hormonal changes.
The effect on the hair in most cases is that the hair grows strong and healthy.
During pregnancy hair grow well and look healthy under the influence of a new high of female hormones.
Pregnant woman's hair is usually fine when the influx of female hormones is maximal.
Although rare, pregnant women also lose hair.
The most common reason for this happening in future mothers is due to the lack of vitamins and minerals or iron in the blood of the mother, because the fetus sucks its necessary agents, leaving the mother exhausted.
In these cases, the recommended intake of more fruits and vegetables, and if necessary vitamins and tablets.
Often women lose some hair after birth. When a baby is born, hormones jump up and down and many hair follicles enter the resting phase.
In some women, hair may fall out in clumps. In some cases you may be exposed to certain sections of the head.
For most women it is reversible, but there are those who remain with much thinner hair.
Hair loss in children
Hair loss occurs in people of all ages, including in children.
Hair loss in newborn infants in most cases it is normal and not worry.
Babies often lose their hair during the first six months.
At birth, the newborn hormone levels fell sharply and thus may lose hair with which they were born (young mothers after birth often lose hair for the same reason).
Things are different in adolescents.
Reasons why hair loss occurs in children differ from those in adults.
You rarely mention the source of the problem such as lack of nutrients or genetic predisposition.
The appearance of hair loss in children in almost all cases due to illness.
A possible reason could be a very strong shock, stress, emotional upset. This hair loss is usually temporary and goes away.
Type of illness in children is bad habit of pulling hair and over time make it harder and mechanically causing her fall
When the cause of hair loss in children is a fungal disease of the scalp, talk about contagious disease.
Children often do not realize they are affected by the fungus. There is hair loss in different areas of the scalp.
Fungi cause breakage of hair on the scalp and separate the flakes from the scalp.
The condition is treatable, but need timely intervention of parents and professionals to implement the right quality products to clean and disinfect the scalp of fungus.
Can we stop hair loss?
Searching for information in the fight against hair loss and baldness, you can find many ideas and options for countermeasures.
Sometimes hair loss can be prevented through stress management, building healthy diet and use-friendly hair care products.
Doctors agree that vitamins C, A, C and E are natural cure for hair loss.
Biotin and folic acid contained in B group vitamins are those that prevent hair loss.
Vitamin B is in fish and eggs. Without vitamin A follicles are susceptible to destruction, which in turn is the cause of hair loss.
Vitamin A can be found in dairy products and green vegetables.
Eat more citrus fruits, you can get the antioxidant vitamin C, which also contributes to the prevention of hair loss.
Vitamin E stimulates the blood circulation of the scalp. By increasing blood flow to the scalp and increases nutrient.
Eat wholesome and healthy to obtain such necessary vitamins in your prevention of hair loss.
When baldness is already part of your life, whether you accept it or fight it is a matter of personal choice, but you should state that you are turned into obsession.
Its appearance is often accompanied by depression because whoever loses his beautiful hair, difficult to adapt normally.
If hair loss can lead you to a mental disorder, to provoke insecurity or inferiority, the problem is more in the way of thinking and your self-image.
For some celebrities baldness is an expression of the image. For some have been annoying nuisance, but for others - a huge tragedy.
If you browse the internet or chat with friends, dermatologist, hairstylist, you will get a bunch of ideas to combat hair loss and baldness counter.
Sold many shampoos, masks, ampoules, ointments, medicines with effect in this direction.
Whether it will achieve the desired result, however, is individual and depends on the cause of the problem.
It is well known direct rubbing garlic clove into the hair roots. However, this has not so desirable side - after a few procedures flavor of garlic is absorbed into the scalp and the least contact with water strongly felt.
If you do decide that the battle was lost, but do not want to go bald, you may contact the plastic surgeon for your new graft. The procedure is now commonly recognized and often applicable.
Your hair is already falling?
Whatever happens, do not rush to panic.
Solutions in every situation there, to you to attend with your head and get them.
Even moment when you find that your curse is reached, it is scary and confusing, be there and help yourself.

this is something marvelous instruction and best guidance for hair loss treatment. thanks so much to bring this post.
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